
Still nothing on the horizon - apart from Turd You Can

Still feeling horribly negative so I would like to point you all in the direction of Yahoo news, in particular the quote below. Think "Spudulike."

"Competitive eating is a popular sport in America, particularly at holidays, with contests for everything from chicken wings to "turducken," turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken."

This was actually on the tail end of a world-record-hotdog-eating contest story, for those of you who can't be bothered to read it. For those of you who don't know, a hotdog is defined a "greasy cartridge filled with abertoire sweepings." As said by someone funny.

Anyone up for some Turducken? Anyone got any ideas for something grizzly made from stuffing things inside each other? Let me know!


At 6:26 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...


Elephant stuffed with giraffe stuffed with badger.

I see a whole evenings entertainment in one package, if you will.

First, diners watch the fighting between the three protaganists at a specialist restaurant that caters for this dish and this dish only.

Then the winner is culled and the stuffing begins.

Platypussymouse Delight comes for afters..

At 11:32 pm, Blogger Captain Berk said...

I eat a lot of meals like the ones you mention.

Our replicator is broken.

The amount of times I have eaten stuffed Donkey and Asparagus brains against my will is incalculable

At 12:39 pm, Blogger Between daisies said...

samog? Salmon stuffed with mouse stuffed with frog.

I still can't believe they eat something that begins with turd.

At 6:36 pm, Blogger Kaufman said...

Some human babies eat things that not only begin with turds, but middle and end with them as well.

I shall clue you in photographically when the time's willing.

At 10:33 am, Blogger Between daisies said...

Andy, If you are talking about what I think you are, then I already know all about that and need to know less. Six year old sister and all that.

At 10:11 am, Blogger TexasYankee said...

Oh turducken is GREAT! If done right.


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