
Neo-classical art with boats

Some of you out there may remember my interest in Modern Art With Boats back in May. I thought it was a passing fad but aparently it goes on all the time. Look!

Mie produces the goods again!

This time there is a definite ivy covered motif comon to certain kinds of neo-clasical folly seen in the grounds of English country houses.

These busses are hiding sheepishly, no doubt embarrassed to have accidentally come to the wrong party. You will notice the car in picture #1 is not so worried. Note that the keikuruma (light car) had folded up like a blanket in whatever crash it had been through. Extremely safe as long as you don't drive them.


At 4:41 am, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Like 2cv's, which I would imagine you could actually punch to death if you saw fit to do so.

At 8:45 am, Blogger Between daisies said...

Also like a Renault 125, which you can carry into a the spot if parking becomes too arduous.


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