
A sign of the times - or what I saw this weekend #1

Travellers beware!

What they don't want you to know! Gangs of pelican youths are roaming the streets locking the heads of passers-by in their vicelike jaws of fishy death!

Crikey! Look at this beauty! 40% pokemon, 40% rabbit (as in sex and the city), 80% fear. This thing is a sex manchine! It's three pronged penis of death reaches all the right areas. How does it manage to use such mighty tackle? Poke'm in!


At 11:58 pm, Blogger reverendtimothy said...

Oh fantastic. Clearly I was visiting all the wrong places in Japan. I only got attacked by deer, not pelicans. :-(

Strange sign though... Pelicans are usually pretty friendly? Mouth fulla bacteria though. But I've still hand-fed them! Hehe.

At 11:35 am, Blogger Between daisies said...

That was at nara right? Did you get the local variation on the kangaroo droppings?

I think these ones were probably outraged at having the limelight stolen by the walruss show just outside their pen.

Also, the sign seems to be implying that the head-biting is merely panful rather than being full-blown dangerous. Steve Irwin, we're missing him already...

At 4:43 am, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

That Pelican picture is Sublime.

At 8:44 am, Blogger Between daisies said...

The bit at the top says "Danger!" just in case you don't grasp the drift visually!


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