
Yahoo news pushes the envelope all the way round the galaxy

I couldn't really avoid commenting on this after I read it. I know, I know, yahoo news is actually worse than the Mirror or the Daily Express.

Anyhow, it seems uber-cunt Nasseem Hamed has been out in his tank again. Aparently he has been enjoying his favourite hobby "destroying the little people" in his native Sheffield. His 38 year-old victim aparently, "broke all the bones in his body", which is quite an achievement.

Don't believe it? read about it all here.

"prince among men" Nasseem Hamed off to the shops in his Merc.

"Oh fuck! What the hell was all that noise?"

A close-up of 38-year-old Anthony Burgin, after Prince Nasser had broken every bone in his body, including all those really small ones in his ears.


At 6:39 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I was glad when he lost.

I can't stand the arrogant little twit. Remember his single: "Walk like a Champion"?

Just don;t drive like one. A former one, that is.

At 9:42 pm, Blogger Between daisies said...

Me too - I hate the fooker. Don't like many boxers though.

At 6:47 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I like Ali and Steve Collins. He was awesome.


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