

Alas, last Saturday I had to work. I had to go to the school Undokai, which is kind of like a sportsday but not as well. It was especially gutting as there was a separate paying opoortunity to work in Nagoya for money.

Anyhow - in Japan they have dancing and stuff as well as running races. I assume it is aimed at trying to bring some of the more athletically challenged member of the school into the limelight. Luckily I was not called on to display my sad state of fitness. My new lifestyle starts here.

The weather dude cast his pall over the day with his threats of rain, which he was willing top act upon but not enough to ruin the day. I have recently come to suspect that my old mate
Dr. DogChop over at Ph Level may have been mistaken in his comments about the weather dude. I begin to suspect that yahoo weather have been subcontracting to a network of oldwives, housewives and grannies for their predictions.

Back at the Ranch the teachers were getting to exercise their imaginations a bit with the games and activities for the day. Two weeks of solid preparation went into the day, and I could tell. Below are two examples; Big ball rolling whole school race and Three pointed relay with cardboard caterpillar track event.

The blue team won this by some considerable distance.

This one shold be in the Drunken Olympics. The kids only had to do it in straight lines, but I would make drunken adult men try to go round corners to double the viewing pleasure.

In the evening there was the standard party with traditionally expensive Japanese food which mostly gets left because everyone is busy talking and getting drunk. This is the point at which I definitely got beastly drunk and possibly did something embarassing. I have no memory of doing anything taboo, though that is not always such a good indicator. Anyhow, I managed to snap-off a shot of the first remove so that you know what expensive Japanese food looks like. Here it is

Also, I've dropped another in the lies section.


At 6:34 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I want to know what socio-unsavoury horror you performed.

At 6:38 pm, Blogger Between daisies said...

Me too - or do I? The first ever one of these whole school drinking parties I went to I woke up at home, as if by magic, face down on the tatami fully clothed. I learned the details in excrutiating graduality. Never again, I said. So I made sure there were no oportunities to be informed after this.


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